
Suicide Prevention Training

Dr. Samet was recently appointed Co-Chair of the New York State Suicide Prevention Council, part of the NYS Office of Mental Health. In that role, he has helped develop best practice recommendations for NY State, and is leading the effort to help reduce youth suicide. Dr. Samet developed, and is now conducting, workshops on "Helping Students at Risk for Suicide," a statewide training program for clinicians, teachers and administrators. Dr. Samet can offer suicide prevention/intervention training for parents, students, teachers, clinicians and administrators, and is available to consult with school districts and agencies in their prevention efforts.

Intended Audience: School professionals including, psychologists, school counselors, social workers, school administrators who are involved in the helping process when a student may be at risk for suicide, and community mental health providers who work with and in schools.


An Initial Evaluation of the Helping Students at Risk for Suicide Professional Development Workshop
Amanda B. Nickerson, Pat Breux, Gary E Schaffer, & Mitchell J. Samet